Anahata Yoga Heidelberg – About us

New at YOGA?

Great that you are here and interested in yoga.

My studio is good for all people who want to take care of their body and long for more inner silence and relaxation. Here you will find your place where you can feel fully accepted and be as you are.

Do you think that yoga is only for very flexible and athletic people who can bend well?

Then you will be convinced otherwise. Physical limitations, figure or athleticism play no role for us. Unfortunately, advertising on the Internet and social media often creates a very one-sided picture of yoga. Here, lean, fully flexible yoga models are presented, which tend to deter people who are not quite as fit and agile and tempt physically gifted people to a harmful practice.

Everybody can do Yoga!

Yoga is good for every body and every constitution. Whether woman or man, overweight or underweight, sporty or meditative, young or old, sick or healthy, there are as many postures and movements as people practising. It is not about spectacular attitudes but about what you need for your physical and mental development.

Our students come to Anahata Studio to discuss their physical issues, such as To treat back pain, circulatory problems and asthma you also come to find more peace and balance.

Yoga for Everybody? We find your Yoga!

Your yoga practice should be adapted to you and your needs. For this reason, it is very important to me to organize yoga classes according to what my students need and not to overload them. The asana should be tailored to you and, if necessary, adapted to your anatomy. Pain when practising or afterwards should not be. Occasional sore muscles are allowed?

By this principle, we develop exercises, sequences and workouts that you can reproduce in your own practice at home.

What do you need for your first Yoga lesson?

All you need is yourself, comfortable clothes, maybe water to drink. That’s all!

When you come to your first class it would be good to come 15 minutes earlier to your first appointment. Then I can give you a short introduction about the teaching system and my style and we can talk about your wishes and expectations concerning yoga.

Curious? Register for a trial class:


See you soon! Your Anahata-Team 🙂

If you have any further questions, please write to me using the contact form.

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